星期日, 12月 06, 2020

Poet at Dusk by BBC Radio 4

Poet at Dusk by BBC Radio 4 Tony Wang

I have come to know BBC Radio 4 by accident. I had Turnin Radio app which I still keep in my old ipadmini. Turnin Radio does not offer free download any more but it did not forfeit my old apple machie. So I have revived the use of that little magic device and it gives me plenty of pleasure. The recording I sent to you was only part of a BBC 4 program which includes recital of famous poets WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS:

The Circus Animals』 Desertion


Those masterful images because complete Grew in pure mind but out of what began?

A mound of refuse or the sweepings of a street, Old kettles, old bottles, and a broken can,

Old iron, old bones, old rags, that raving slut

Who keeps the till.

Now that my ladder's gone I must lie down where all the ladders start In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart.

and introduction of American poet

Primitive by George George Oppen(1977) Primitive

If you are interested in listening to the complete broadcast of my gift, go to:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000pvdc Poet at Dusk

Poet Theresa Lola is only 26 years old, but her work has always explored mortality. She's fascinated by our complex relationship with the final stage of life.

In this moving programme, Theresa meets poets in their twilight years, their thoughts and poems interweaving.

We hear from TS Eliot Prize winner George Szirtes, now 71, who uses his poems to retread the corridors of memory as he heads knowingly into the dusk. The American poet Alicia Ostriker explains that, as she's aged, the collapsing of both her body and her mind has inevitably found its way into her poems.

Poet and critic Peter Simonsen introduces us to the final works of WB Yeats who worked long into old age and strove to articulate the experience of physical decrepitude. Peter also offers us a haunting reading of the great Objectivist poet George Oppen's The Tongues. The sparse and fractured nature of the poem makes perfect sense when we learn that, at the end of his life, Oppen was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease which slowly but surely robbed him of the ability to speak and process words.

Our final encounter is with Sarah Yerkes, aged 102. Sarah spent decades welding vast metal sculptures until old age made such physical strains impossible. Despite being over a century old, her mind is as sharp as ever and she still actively writes. While Sarah remains passionate about poetry, the reality of life in old age means her poems are often filled with a sense of confusion and loss.

Sarah muses on the nature of the afterlife and, having concluded that dying is her next great adventure, reads one final poem - an elegy to herself.

Presenter: Theresa Lola Producer: Brenna Daldorph Executive Producer: Max O'Brien
