星期二, 8月 03, 2021

普丁的鋼琴手藝 容乃公 (with google translation)

普丁的鋼琴手藝 容乃公 網上有人傳來普丁在大堂彈起中華台北奧運隊歌,即中華民國國旗歌的假消息.


『他就是俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾? V ?普丁 (Vladimir V. Putin),週日,他還炫耀自己演奏鋼琴的技能,在他公開的才能種類中又添加了一項。他因為「一帶一路」的倡議來到北京,這個1萬億美元的項目計劃帶動60多個國家的基礎設施建設和經濟發展。在國賓館等待的時候,普丁坐到一架大鋼旁,演奏了兩首曲子:瓦西裡

索洛維約夫-謝多伊(Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi)的《黃昏之歌》和吉洪赫連尼科克 Tikhon Khrennikov)的《莫斯科之窗》。 這樣的獨奏展示了普丁柔和的一面,自1999年掌權以來,普丁一直被視為一個專制領導人,顯得經常熱衷於表現男子氣概。


普丁演奏鋼琴的事在中國的社交媒體上引起了興趣。女性用戶在網上說他很帥(普丁長期以來都很受到中國女性的青睞,覺得他是男子氣概的象徵)。其他社交媒體用戶很快也列出中國領導人的音樂才能。 在人氣社交媒體微博上,一位用戶貼了普丁的照片,然後加上前主席江澤民演奏樂器的六張照片,樂器有鋼琴、中國傳統長笛、兩種傳統弦樂器,甚至還有夏威夷吉他。』

其實我也傳假新聞給朋友樂樂, 因為我以為接受新聞的人若用眼, 而不用耳, 他會看到普丁琴藝很一搬 -- 他幾乎是用單指彈的. 也就是說普丁或許是利用機會拿彈琴來搞外交, 也許未必會唬得過家裡有一個聲樂家的習近平. 普丁曾公開承認自己不會彈鋼琴,至於我發的搞笑版, 那擺明不是真的欺詐 -- 那是政治家們愛玩的把戲.


不過對於新聞記者來說, 這類事性常會被加上浪漫色彩 -- 因而傳到外頭, 普丁, 除了他有百般武藝(柔道手槍馬術蹓冰...近乎奇人異士的本事),而且也有可以迷死女性的柔腸.

我跟朋友說,這些常會是bordering the truth-擦邊球真理:和普丁的琴藝那樣. 我和朋友說,普丁在大彈索洛維約夫-謝多伊(Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi)的《黃昏之歌》和吉洪?赫連尼科夫(TikhonKhrennikov)的《莫斯科之窗》是真的新聞,但背後有太多猜想,捧場和誇張.換我,我寧可傳假新聞--因為假新聞常騙了不會計較的人,但不會誤到有辨識的discerning readers 西方有一句被人津津樂道的名言--謊言分為三種:謊言、該死的謊言和統計數據。」

傳聞這名言出自英國首相Benjamin Disraeli,這個假消息其實要歸罪美國小說家馬克吐溫--是他的誤信.可能最初這名言是用在英國報紙 National Observer 於 1891 年 6 月 8 日出版,1891 年 6 月 13 日出版,其中 上面寫著:「先生,——有人俏皮地說,有三種謊言:第一個是「謊言」,第二個是徹頭徹尾的謊言,以及第三個也是最嚴重的是統計數據。這是關於統計和缺席國家養老金倡導者所依賴的統計數據。

一個老笑話大意是三個程度的比較騙子:有騙子,有無恥的騙子,還有科學專家。 在 1885 年 12 月 5 日舉行的 X 俱樂部會議上,T.H.赫胥黎描述了談話是這樣的:「談論政治、醜聞和三類證人— 騙子,該死的騙子和專家。」 我可以引用更多類似的名言略帶變化的說法,無非要人們理解,世界上最不良的人 是專家,最不可告的証據是統計數字.而最不能輕信的是新聞...

乃公也 湊熱加一句---世界上有三種謠言:謠言,該死的謠言,和新聞.

Putin's piano craftsmanship by Tony Wang

(this is google translation without editing, amazingly accurate, almost perfect)

Putin's piano craftsmanship by Tony Wang On the Internet, someone heard that Putin played the Chinese Taipei Olympic team anthem, which is the national banner anthem of the Republic of China, in the lobby.

A friend immediately sent a piece of news from New York Chinese News to correct it:

"He is Russian President Vladimir V. Putin. On Sunday, he also showed off his piano playing skills, adding one more item to his public talent categories. He came to Beijing because of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative. This $1 trillion project plans to drive infrastructure construction and economic development in more than 60 countries. While waiting at the State Guest House, Putin sat next to a large steel frame and played two pieces: Vasily Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi's "Song of the Evening" and Tikhon Khrennikov's "Window of Moscow".

Such solo shows the soft side of Putin. Since taking power in 1999, Putin has been regarded as an authoritarian leader, who seems to be always keen to show masculinity.

According to the Russian news network Gazeta.ru, Putin's spokesperson Dmitry S. Peskov told reporters in Beijing: "Putin was waiting for a meeting with Xi Jinping. The president studied some information and prepared for the meeting. , And played the piano."

Putin's piano playing aroused interest on Chinese social media. Female users said on the Internet that he is handsome (Puting has long been favored by Chinese women and feels that he is a symbol of masculinity). Other social media users quickly listed the musical talents of Chinese leaders.

On the popular social media Weibo, a user posted a picture of Putin, and then added six photos of former chairman Jiang Zemin playing musical instruments. The musical instruments include a piano, a traditional Chinese flute, two traditional stringed instruments, and even a Hawaiian guitar. 』

In fact, I also spread fake news to my friend Lele, because I thought that if a person receiving news uses eyes instead of ears, he will see Putin Qinyi move very quickly - he almost uses one finger. It is said that Putin may have used the opportunity to play the piano to engage in diplomacy, and may not have bluffed Xi Jinping, who has a vocalist at home. Putin once publicly admitted that he can't play the piano. As for the funny version I posted, it is not true. The fraud-that is a trick that politicians love to play.

This is not necessarily worth comparing Putin's piano art with the former Secretary of State Rice who can hold recitals in the United States. Because playing the piano is now a general education. Many politicians know the piano, such as the prime minister of the United Kingdom. Heath. In short, Putin is not necessarily a sin.

But for journalists, this kind of thing is often romanticized - so it spreads to the outside, Puting, except that he has all kinds of martial arts (judo pistol equestrian skills... There are also soft intestines that can fascinate women.

I told my friends that these are often bordering the truth: the same as Putin's piano art.

My friend and I said that Putin was in Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi's "Twilight Song" and Tikhon Khrennikov's "Moscow Window" It is real news, but there are too many speculations, cheering and exaggeration behind it. For me, I would rather spread fake news-because fake news often deceives people who do not count, but will not mistake discerning readers.

There is a famous saying in the West that people talk about-there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics. "

It is rumored that this famous quote came from British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. This false news is actually to blame the American novelist Mark Twain- his misbelief. It may be that this famous quote was originally used in the British newspaper National Observer published on June 8, 1891, in 1891. Published on June 13, where

It said: "Sir,-someone jokingly said that there are three kinds of lies: the first is a "lie", the second is a complete lie, and the third and most serious one is statistics. This is about statistics and statistics that absent state pension advocates rely on.

An old joke to the effect is that there are three levels of liars: there are liars, there are shameless liars, and there are scientific experts. At the Club X meeting on December 5, 1885, T.H. Huxley described the conversation as follows: "Talk about politics, scandals, and three types of witnesses— liars, damn liars, and experts."

I can quote more similar famous sayings with slight changes, just for people to understand, the worst person in the world To be an expert, the most elusive evidence is statistics. The least credible is news...

Tony Wang also joins in adding a sentence---There are three kinds of rumors in the world: rumors, damn rumors, and news.
