星期六, 9月 22, 2018




馬雲只是個生意人. 在這個演講主要談中美貿易戰, 他談到中國中產
階級, 新消費方式, 創新與合作, 等等, 一帶一路和未來世界經濟發
展等, 這都是大家可以料到的. 他的預言我相信都會實現. 請朋友們

不過, 我以為未來二十年中國以和為貴和美國以競爭為道的貿易路線
未必能解決人類的問題. 馬雲是個生意人, 他的視野只會留在生產和
消費的人類活動, 他有創造的思考, 但只是生意人的思考.

解決人類的未來問題得要從人文的角度去找. 人類要多一點愛, 慈悲
, 節制和心靈的教育. 中國未來最令人擔心的是變成一個高度發展的
中產階級社會. 實際上, 它己經快了.

人類生活最重要在創造生活方式, 而不是生活條件. 生活方式包括人
與自然共存, 人類學習何為快樂, 為何心靈物質滿足, 與人相處, 人
類存在的目的, 這些和科技生產未必有關. 那是道德, 或者說是道的
發展. 人類是否要糾纏在生產和消費的環結, 這要比馬雲的生意經重

科技當然很重要. 但未來中國要多少馬雲, 可能不見得比得上要多少
思想家哲學家重要. 在科技創造領域, 這個世界一流的科技巨匠勝過
科技強國、經濟強國和軍事強國。在這方面, 中國目前的發展, 是朝

新的生活方式 --- 在科技創新中, 人們如何學會不必依賴消費文化
而過有品質的生活的社群. 中國大學是否教育更多的思想家呢? 令人

正意義上的科學家。但要成就這條件, 社會也要有更多在思想上更有
創意的專家, 教授, 意見領袖, 和普通人.

人類會因為科技而變得更合作, 這是必然的道理. 未來的世界, 最落
伍的社會其發展目標若只停留在競爭與爭鬥, 不論大小, 不論是被迫
, 或傳統的慣性, 都會被歷史淘汱. 美國可能是後者. 而台灣的社會
或許是因為歷史的命定, 只為了追求所謂獨立自主, 把社會資源全放
在政治發展, 可能會變成世界上最落伍的世界社群, 一個連北朝鮮都
想擺脫的群體, 也許台灣人應該到了反省的時候了.

Tech tycoon Jack Ma told investors to hunker down for a drawn
out trade war between the United States and China.
"It's going to last long, it's going to be a mess," Ma, the
founder and executive chairman of Alibaba (BABA), said

The US-China trade war will last not for 20 months or 20
days, but "maybe 20 years," he said.

That would mean no easing of tensions between the world's top
two economies for many years after President Donald Trump has
left office, even if he serves a second term.

Ma made the remarks at an annual conference for Alibaba
investors, just hours after the Trump administration
slapped a new round of tariffs on Chinese goods worth $200

While the tech billionaire dismissed speculation that
geopolitical headwinds played a part in the surprise
announcement of his retirement last week, he acknowledged
that the ongoing spat with China's largest trade partner is
hurting Alibaba's business.

Shares in Alibaba closed 3.5% lower on Monday. The company'
s stock is down 25% from its all-time high in June.

Alibaba's business has been affected by the ongoing trade
spat between China and the United States.
Ma said a lot of businesses in China and the United States
will be in trouble in the short term, and eventually, Chinese
firms will be forced to turn to other countries.

Ma said the trade war is "against China," but also criticized
his country's policies, urging leaders to view the pain
inflicted by Trump's tariffs as an opportunity to "upgrade."

"China must open the market," he added.

Daniel Zhang: Alibaba's next chairman
Ma also took the opportunity to reassure investors that the
$410 billion company he helped build is in safe hands. He
announced last week that he will step down from Alibaba in
a year's time, handing over the reins to CEO Daniel Zhang.

"I'm 100% sure Daniel will do a better job than I do," Ma

The 54-year-old former teacher repeated his desire to
pursue a new career, likely in the field of education.

"I'm not sad at all. I think I'm still young," he said. "In
Alibaba I'm old, but in my career I'm still young."

CNNMoney (Hong Kong)
First published September 18, 2018: 6:34 AM ET
