星期二, 6月 21, 2005

butterfly effect and yijing

p>"The butterfly effect is the idea that in a chaotic system, a
very small change to the system applied at a certain point
in time makes the future change in a very dramatic way.
Something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings now
might affect the weather system on a global scale six
months in the future.

But, only Yijing can teach you how to tell which butterfly flapping causes the change

Every system in our universe obeys certain laws. The Basic Laws of Systems are:

1. To permanently change a system, you have to change its structure.

2. Every system has special points where small changes can bring about lasting changes to the system.

3. The more complex a system, the farther away are cause and effect.

4. The more feedback loops in a system, the harder it is to predict behavior.

5. How to find the special points and how to stimulate them to the desired goal are never obvious.

6. When we find and stimulate a special point toward the desired goal, the results usually get worse before they get better. Immediate good results are suspect

7. If substance changes, form does not. If forms changes, substance remain constant.

Study Yijing to find out more rules